3.1 Data wallet

3.1 Data wallet

Motivation (overall goal)

Data wallet connects multiple endpoints from higher to ground level. The goal is to bridge NBP (National Bildungsplatform) with Sidebar services. In this process, data is collected, updated and used to provide intelligent suggestions all of which help build NBP infrastructure.

Current status

Implemented concept

State of the art (general conditions)

Each user is given the privilege to choose what to store and share through a data wallet to ensure privacy regulations.


Domain workflow (If any )

  • Data is collected at a higher level through enmeshed app in a digital wallet.
  • This data wallet contains all the data associated with a profile like learning context, subjects, interesting topics etc.
  • This data is used across various services and applications at the ground level. One example is the BOERD sidebar.
  • The data collected from the wallet is used to provide intelligent services in the sidebar like content inspirations, profile suggestions, publishing group suggestions etc
  • Any updates through a profile's activity, learning progress is tracked and updated on the data wallet which helps build NBP. 

UX concept

User needs

  • A teacher has limited time to prepare lessons and needs an efficient material gathering process. 
  • Suitable suggestions based on learning contexts and professional profiles.
  • One-stop solution to navigate all education infrastructures while maintaining privacy.

Feature walkthrough

Assuming that the user already has a data wallet setup,

  • At the start of the sidebar, a prompt to connect to the data wallet is shown. There is an option to skip as well.
  • Then, the user is informed of the required steps to complete the data wallet connection.
  • Download enmeshed app, scan QR on the page and select desired preferences in the app.
  • As soon as the data wallet is connected, a list of selected/not selected services is seen eg. Name, profession, subjects, statistics etc.
  • In case of errors, the back option is provided to rescan the QR code.

BOERD artificial intelligent service

The data from the wallet is analysed in the context/subject teacher is working on and provides intelligent services like OER suggestions, publishing group suggestions, statistics for the relevant course teacher is working on. It also reminds the user to connect the wallet later in case this step is skipped. 

Data wallet usage

Due to profile activities, any changes in data are updated inside the data wallet with the user's permission like a teacher's profile, subject, competence, prefered licence etc



Im BOERD Projekt wurde eine Beispielplattform an den BIRD-Prototypen angebunden. Daten wurden mit dem Data Wallet ausgetauscht.

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