Technische Dokumentation
Preliminary architecture. This is work in progress and will be updated regularly.
Dashed lines indicate planned connections or those under scrutiny.
Differentiation collections and material:
- properties.ccm:map: collection
- properties.ccm:io: material
- Pflichtmetadaten
- bisher 9 Stück
- bspw. in der Redaktionsumgebung zu sehen
- Voller Titel
- Kategorie
- Fach-/Sachgebiet
- Lizenz
- Herkunft des Inhaltes
- Beschreibung
- Zielgruppe
- Bildungsstufe
WLO - MetaQS
MetaQS analyzes data via elasticsearch queries and yields data about empty metadata. It is used mostly as a just-in-time analytics tool.
Documentation Links
[docker base image](
[async pg client library](
[sqlalchemy (sync pg client)](
[elasticsearch DSL query library](
[glom - pythonic data parsing](
[python http client](
[python jsonrpc client](
[python polling library](
How to add a new endpoint
If it is a realtime endpoint:
Add endpoint to respective router in app/api/v1/realtime/
Add Elasticsearch query to CRUD in app/crud/
PostgreSQL: - not needed
dbt: - not needed
How to structure an ES query
Dev environment
Deploy docker-compose.yml to virtual machine.
Setting up VM
Install docker
```bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install
ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg –dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg echo
„deb [arch=$(dpkg –print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable“ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli ```
Use docker as root
`bash sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER `
Install docker-compose
`bash sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose docker-compose --version # Test the installation `
Preparing containers
Use `bash docker-compose up `
to download images for dbt, language tool, postgreSQL.
Fast API
`bash docker-compose build dbt docker push `
Superset `bash docker-compose build superset docker push `
Preparing SQL
Launch postgres container and connect to analytics database.
`bash docker-compose up -d postgres docker-compose exec -u postgres postgres psql -d analytics `
List all tables
`postgresql \l \dt `
Get all relevant tables `postgresql SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname != 'information_schema' AND schemaname != 'pg_catalog'; `
Create necessary tables
TODO: Create tables in pg `postgresql CREATE TABLE [raw.collections] `
Launch environment
Nginx must be configured with letsencrypt. Run
`bash ./ `
enter your desired domain. You need write permissions on that domain.
`bash docker-compose up `
Project Repositories
Clone the main repository to the production machine when setting up the application.
All services are deployed from Docker images via docker-compose.
Code is placed in the MetaQS main repository.
Defines the service architecture in docker-compose.yml and contains the project documentation you are currently reading.